Apache 403 Error after several successful requests


I am experiencing some odd behavior with Apache. I have several vhosts setup on my local machine. I am currently experiencing this on 1 of the vhosts, as I am doing dev work constantly, however I think it happened on another local site as well.

Here's whats happening:

I go to nekst.local and the page loads fine. I refresh the page constantly to check my updated code. All of a sudden I get a 403 error in the console for all assets but the page loads (minus assets). If I refresh again I get a 403 error in browser rather than a page load. If I restart apache everything works for a while and then all of a sudden it happens again.

I did recently download xdebug and add that to my php.ini. I'm not sure if this may be causing any issues.

I am running apache 2.4.9, php 5.5.14 on osx yosemite

my vhost:

<Directory "/Users/shawn/Documents/work/sites/mindbox/nekst/webapp/web">
   Require all granted
   AllowOverride All
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/Users/shawn/Documents/work/sites/mindbox/nekst/webapp/web"
    ServerName nekst.local
    ErrorLog "/Users/shawn/Documents/work/sites/mindbox/nekst/webapp/app/logs/error_log"
    CustomLog "/Users/shawn/Documents/work/sites/mindbox/nekst/webapp/app/logs/access_log" common

and my dir:

drwxr-xr-x  15 shawn  staff     510 Jan 27 10:25 web

Best Answer

Have you tried looking into your error log for more details?

I always run the following command while developing PHP, to be aware of any notices. It may also help you narrow down this issue:

tail --follow=name -n 100 /Users/shawn/Documents/work/sites/mindbox/nekst/webapp/app/logs/error_log

Ctrl-C when done