Apache: 503 Service Unavailable


I have a web server with apache 2.0 installed. Sometimes, probably when load increase, it serves a blank page with 503 service unavailable.

Server load is not too high, is there a solution in apache configuration to solve this problem?

Thank you

Best Answer

You could try changing to a different MPM, which you can do in the configuration, or tweaking the parameters of your MPM. For example, if you're using the prefork or worker MPMs then you can increase the MaxClients value. In the latter case, ThreadsPerChild might also be a useful configuration value to tweak.

You can find information on the MPMs in the standard Apache documentation.

However, unless you're running a really busy website, I'm surprised you're seeing 503 errors at all - is it possible that there's some really slow server-side code that's tying up Apache requests for far too long? If so, you might get more mileage improving that than just trying to work around it in Apache.