Apache: Allow only certain http requests, deny all else


We have an Apache server, on a Windows Server 2008 machine, that is used for specific secure traffic for our customers, like a gateway.

Now, I only want to allow traffic for a certain range of secure URLs, defined by a wildcard uri: ****secure.mysite.com****, and deny all other http or https request to Apache

How do you set that up in the Apache httpd conf file?

Thank you

Best Answer

You can allow access via an environment variable that is only set via request URI patterns you want to match with SetEnvIf.

In your host, or virtualhost configure the following with the URI's you want to allow:

SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/requests/you/want/.* allow 
SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/requests/you/want/.+?\.php$ allow 

If you are serving the requests from Apache:

<Location /> 
 Order Deny,Allow
 Deny from all
 Allow from env=allow

Or if proxying via mod_proxy, you probably want to combine the URI match with with some IP restrictions so you don't have an open proxy.

SetEnvIf Remote_Addr ^10\..+ deny

<Proxy *>
 Order Allow,Deny
 Deny from env=deny
 Allow from env=allow

In this case, if the IP is not in the range deny, Order being important

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