Apache archiva returns http error 503


I am using apache Archiva v. 2.2.0 under Windows Server 2012 R2. With Java version 1.8.0_60 everything worked fine. After updating to 1.8.0_101_b13 I am getting an error message when going to archiva url:
HTTP ERROR: 503 . Problem accessing /. Reason: Service Unavailable, Powered by Jetty://.

The Apache Archiva service is running. No error logs are generated.
Restarting or even reinstalling of the service has no impact.

Thank you for any tips.

Best Answer

In my case I've found out that the jetty configuration file jetty.xml in ARCHIVA_BASE\conf got corrupted.


  1. Stop archiva service
  2. Replace jetty.xml with either a fresh one or from last known working backup. A fresh copy of jetty.xml can be downloaded from archiva web site as an apache-archiva-2.2.0-bin.zip. File location within the zip file is apache-archiva-2.2.1\conf\jetty.xml
  3. Start archiva service