Apache authentication : allow public access to a subdirectory


This is probably a simple problem, but I cant find the solution in the documentation.

I want to password protect my website using BASIC authentication. But I want a subdirectory to be non protected :

http://mysite.com/ -> BASIC protected
http://mysite.com/somedir -> BASIC protected
http://mysite.com/someotherdir -> BASIC protected
http://mysite.com/public -> not protected

I have no problem protecting all the site, but I dont know how I can "unprotect" one directory. The site is hosted on a shared host, so I only have access to .htaccess files to do the configuration.

Is there a directive to negate the authentication ?

Thanks for the help …

Best Answer

Shouldn't be a problem with .htaccess, depending on what the host has allowed.

You could try putting a .htaccess in the sub-folder with the following, although overrides will have to be enabled for the directories it's in.

 Allow From All
 Satisfy Any