Apache basic authentication – how to disable on dev computer


I'm disabling access to some folders to unauthorized users this way:

AuthUserFile /var/www/passwords/.htpasswd_private
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Access to private admin section"
Require valid-user

It works fine on the production (Ubuntu) server.
The problem is I want the same code to allow access (or at least ask for password) on a windows dev computer.

Tried adding

Allow from

But the logs show error because it cannot find the password file on the dev computer.
The system cannot find the path specified. : Could not open password file: C:/var/www/passwords/.htpasswd_private

Whats the elegant way to tell apache to either allow access or ask for password on the dev computer?

Best Answer

Create the directory C:/var/www/passwords/.htpasswd_private and then use the htpasswd.exe program that comes with your apache installation to create the .htpasswd_private file

htpasswd -c C:/var/www/passwords/.htpasswd_private username
Automatically using MD5 Format
New password: *********
Re-type password: *********
Adding password for user username

Now you should have a system works like your production server.