Apache config: Return 404 for single


Is it possible to let Apache automatically return a 404 page for a single URL using the Location tag?

<Location "/some/url">
    # ???

Solutions without mod_rewrite or any other modules preferred.

Best Answer

The only solution "without any modules", is to not have the resource exist. If the location doesn't exist, then it Apache will return a 404.

Otherwise, you will need to use mod_alias or mod_rewrite. mod_alias is the simpler and more efficient solution:

Redirect 404 /your/url/path

You use this inside your vhost, there is no need to put it in a Location block.

You can also use the RedirectMatch directive if you don't want to match URLs below /your/url/path:

RedirectMatch 404 ^/your/url/path$

This and more can be read in the mod_alias documentation