Apache configuration to make NTLM authentication work through a Proxy


I'm running an application server behind an Apache proxy with the following sort of thing in my Apache config:

ProxyPass        /app http://myapplication:8080/myapp
ProxyPassReverse /app http://myapplication:8080/myapp

When I switch on NTLM authentication (using mod_ntlm) the authentication fails (it works fine when bypassing the proxy). A quick search reveals lots of issues when running NTLM behind a proxy due to the connection-specific NTLM specification.

Does anyone have a working Apache configuration that allows NTLM authentication through a proxy?

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

NTLM is connection based therefore not suitable for HTTP-level proxying in general. HAProxy can do TCP reverse proxying which should work just fine. When used as a forward proxy for this situation it's not really packed with features (i.e caching, access control, filtering, etc). It should be just fine to use instead of Apache though.