Apache – Difference between ScriptAlias and WSGIScriptAlias


I'm using apache on RHEL Linux server
In my /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf there are two directives:

WSGIScriptAlias /apps /var/www/apps
<Directory /var/www/apps >
   Options MultiViews ExecCGI
   MultiviewsMatch Handlers
   SetHandler wsgi-script
   Order allow, deny
   allow from all

ScriptAlias /scripts /var/www/scripts
<Directory /var/www/scripts >
   Options MultiViews ExecCGI
   MultiviewsMatch Handlers
   SetHandler wsgi-script
   Order allow, deny
   allow from all

What is the difference?
I understand that WSGIScriptAlias is restricted for running Python scripts and ScriptAlias also allows running perl scripts.

Can I always use ScriptAlias instead of WSGIScriptAlias? Are there any performance advantages of using WSGIScriptAlias instead of ScriptAlias?

Best Answer

ScriptAlias is for cgi-script handler in Apache. WSGIScriptAlias is equivalent for wsgi-script. If you want to mix them in the same directory, don't use either, use Alias, Options ExecCGI, AddHandler directives instead. See:


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