Apache execution permission needed to display webpage


I am currently experiencing something weird where apache has to have execution permission in order to display pages. This is the permissions currently set on the directory where admin has all permissions and apache only has read permission. Nevertheless I am having a 403 when trying to access the index.

Am I missing something? I thought that only read permission was needed for apache to be able to display pages?

drwxr-----  3 admin www-data 4096 Apr  4 12:27 assets
drwxr-----  3 admin www-data 4096 Apr  4 12:27 css
drwxr-----  3 admin www-data 4096 Apr  4 12:27 images
-rwxr-----  1 admin www-data  469 Apr  4 12:27 index.php
drwxr----- 15 admin www-data 4096 Apr  4 12:27 protected
drwxr-----  4 admin www-data 4096 Apr  4 12:27 themes

The virtualhost is as follow:

NameVirtualHost *:443
<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerName ****
    ServerAlias ****
    SSLEngine On
    SSLCertificateFile ****
    SSLCertificateKeyFile ****
    DocumentRoot /home/sites/share

Thanks for your help.

EDIT per request:

Permissions on /home/sites/share

drwxr----- 8 admin www-data 4096 Apr  4 14:52 share

Permissions on /home/sites

drwxr-xr-x  6 admin admin  4096 Apr  4 12:27 sites

Permissions on /home

drwxr-xr-x   4 root root  4096 Apr  2 18:01 home

Best Answer

The share directory needs execute permission for the www-data group. Without execute permission, members of the www-data group (i.e. Apache) can not access the contents of that directory.

chmod 750 /home/sites/share

Edit: Obviously any other directories Apache needs access to, such as assets/images/etc above, and any subfolders of these will also need execute permission for the group.

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