Apache HTTPD with SPDY 3.1


SPDY 3.1 has been release a while ago.
Google has donated the mod_spdy project to apache (https://code.google.com/p/mod-spdy/).
Is it possible to use SPDY 3.1 with Apache Httpd?

Best Answer

The issue is that Chrome 40.x dropped support for SPDY/3 and only supports SPDY/3.1, but the mod_spdy module for Apache only supports SPDY/3, so basically no SPDY for Chrome users if you use Apache as a web server.

mod_spdy is currently in a bad state where either Google nor Apache is maintaining it after Google donated it to the Asf. Google recently made the statement that they will drop the SPDY support from Chrome in early 2016, but what they forgot to say that they started dropping older versions of SPDY already (including SPDY/3) (I like these partially true statements by the way), so basically if you are on Apache then for your Chrome users you can't provide SPDY short of implementing SPDY/3.1 yourself.

So, how was that for "do no evil"? :-)

See details: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/mod-spdy-discuss/FPEj0zG5I0Y and https://code.google.com/p/mod-spdy/issues/detail?id=100&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars

One option you might consider is switching to Nginx and using the SPDY/3.1 implementation over there.

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