Apache: Include Virtual SSI not working for CGI script


I have the following Server Side Includes within an .html file called test.html

<!--#include virtual="/cgi-bin/myScript.cgi"-->

<!--#include virtual="/includes/myFile.html"-->

When I view test.html live in my browser, myFile.html is being inserted/rendered just fine, however myScript.cgi is giving me

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

  • From the browser address bar, /cgi-bin/myScript.cgi is rendering output just fine, proving the file exists at the path and the permissions are correct (755).

  • The SSI handlers are set correctly as myFile.html is included just fine, proving the page is being parsed.

So if SSI is working and myScript.cgi is working, why isn't #include virtual working on this script?

As a side-note, this is on a cPanel hosting account and I have many other accounts (sites) at the server at the same hosting company with the same configuration. The others are all working as expected.

  • cPanel Version: 11.30.6 (build 3)
  • Apache version: 2.2.17
  • Architecture: x86_64
  • Operating system: linux
  • Perl version: 5.8.8
  • Kernel version: 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
  • cPanel Pro: 1.0 (RC1)

The script simply returns the year from today's date as formatted text. The output is preceded by Content-type: text/html\n\n and it's not a new Perl script. It's working on the other accounts.

Best Answer

My hosting company escalated the issue to cPanel, and to my embarrassment, it ended up being a setting in my .htaccess file that was missing after all.

The account that was working had this line, where the broken account, did not...

Options All -Indexes

All, by default, includes what the hosting company added in order to get it working...

Options +Includes +ExecCGI

Without +ExecCGI, it breaks as I described in my original posting.

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