Apache incomplete downloads of large static file


The file is a 40MB powerpoint file.

On my old server (RHEL 4, Apache 2.0, dedicated server), the file downloads without issue.

On my new server (Fedora 8, Apache 2.2, virtual server), I cannot get a complete download of the file using Firefox or IE. wget is able to get a complete download (after making one or more 206 Partial Content requests).

Comparing the httpd.conf files from both servers, the only significant difference was that KeepAlive was On for the old server. I changed KeepAlive to On for the new server, and that did not fix the issue.

I also tried turning off EnableSendfile and EnableMMAP on the new server, and that did not fix the issue.

What else should I try?

How can I determine if it is an apache issue, or caused by network issues with the new hosting company?

Best Answer

It turned out to be the load balancer. When I bypassed the load balancer, I was able to download the entire file.