Apache mod_headers not working


I have a Rails application served using Apache 2 and Phusion Passenger. As a security measure I'm trying to supress all server-related HTTP headers. I've successfully turned off the Apache ones, but I'm having trouble using mod_headers to supress the Passenger ones. I've enabled mod_headers using the a2enmod command and restarted the Apache process, but the X-Powered-By and X-Runtime headers still appear.

This is my vhost file:

<VirtualHost *:80>

  ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com
  ServerName  example.com
  ServerAlias www.example.com

  DocumentRoot /home/deploy/public_html/railsapp/current/public

  LogLevel warn
  ErrorLog /home/deploy/public_html/railsapp/shared/log/error.log
  CustomLog /home/deploy/public_html/railsapp/shared/log/access.log combined

  # Suppress Phusion Passenger HTTP headers
  <Location *>
    <IfModule mod_headers.c>
      Header unset X-Runtime
      Header unset X-Powered-By
  • What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

From the mod_headers docs:

The directives provided by mod_headers can occur almost anywhere within the server configuration. They are valid in the main server config and virtual host sections, inside , and sections, and within .htaccess files.

If you want this to apply to the whole vhost, why put it inside <Location> tags? Just put the directives inside the main vhost config.

<VirtualHost *:80>

  ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com
  ServerName  example.com
  ServerAlias www.example.com

  DocumentRoot /home/deploy/public_html/railsapp/current/public

  LogLevel warn
  ErrorLog /home/deploy/public_html/railsapp/shared/log/error.log
  CustomLog /home/deploy/public_html/railsapp/shared/log/access.log combined

  <IfModule mod_headers.c>
    Header unset X-Runtime
    Header unset X-Powered-By


I haven't tested this so apologies in advance if it's incorrect.