Apache/ModSecurity custom error page


I am trying to show a custom error page when Apache/ModSecurity rules are triggered. My plan is as follows:

  • Change the status code for all rules to (for example) 501
  • use ErrorDocument directive to display a custom error page for this code
  • Use php in the error page to log the error at application level, show customized message, etc.

What I have tried so far:

SecRuleUpdateActionById 1-999999 "phase:2,status:501"


SecDefaultAction "deny,log,redirect:http://some.url/"

I tried those in modsecurity.conf before and after including CRS rules, as well as .htaccess.

Doesn't work – still get a 403 error at all times.

Best Answer

Have you tried the combination of the two?:

SecDefaultAction "phase:1,log,auditlog,deny,status:503"
SecDefaultAction "phase:2,log,auditlog,deny,status:503"

Note you can different default actions per phase like above.

Note also that some rule sets (e.g. OWASP CRS) also set these default actions, and Kay also need then set a certain way if using anomaly scoring or immediate blocking.

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