Apache Proxy TimeOut


I am trying to understand what is happening with the following message in our Apache 2.2 error_log:

Wed May 18 21:03:29 2011] [error] [client] (70007)The timeout specified has expired: proxy: error reading status line from remote server super-load1-ga.test.com, referer: https://tester2.test.com/boom/ga/inside.asp

We are running Apache 2.2 with mod_proxy. Is this Apache timing out the request related to its 5 min TimeOut value in the httpd.conf? (Meaning it does not recieve a response from the remote server in 5 min.) Or is this simply a response from the remote server saying that it cannot handle the connection?

Apache quickly runs out of its MaxClients around the time I see this error.

Quick example of Proxy entry:

ProxyPass /boom/ga https://super-load1-ga.test.com
ProxyPassReverse /boom/ga https://super-load1-ga.test.com

Best Answer

You increase the timeout in the ProxyPass directive:

ProxyPass /boom/ga https://super-load1-ga.test.com connectiontimeout=300 timeout=300

Timeout values are in seconds.