Apache Server – Apache Reaching MaxClients and Locking the Server


I currently have an Apache2 server running with mpm-prefork and mod_php on a OpenVZ VPS with 512M real / 1024M burstable RAM (no swap). After running some tests, I found that the maximum process size Apache gets is 23M, so I've set MaxClients to 25 (23M x 25 = 575 MB, ok for me). I decided to run some load tests on my server, and the results left me puzzled.

I'm using ab on my desktop machine requesting the main page from a wordpress blog.

When I run ab with 24 concurrent connections, everything seems fine. Sure, CPU goes up, free RAM goes down, and the result is about 2-3s response time per request.

But if I run ab with 25 concurrent connections (my server limit), Apache just hangs after a couple of seconds. It starts processing the requests, then it stops responding, CPU goes back to 100% idle and ab times out. Apache log says it reached MaxClients.

When this happens, Apache keeps itself locked up with 25 running processes (they're all in "W" if I check server status) and only after the TimeOut setting the processes start to die and the server starts responding again (in my case it's set to 45).

My question: is that expected behaviour? Why Apache just dies when it reaches MaxClients? If it works with 24 connections, shouldn't it work with 25, just taking maybe more time to respond each request and queueing up the rest?

It sounds kinda strange to me that any kid running ab can alone kill a webserver just by setting the concurrent connections to the servers MaxClients.

Best Answer

HA! I finally found the problem myself. It's more related to programming than server admin, but I decided to put the answer here anyway because by searching google I found I'm not the only one with that kind of problem (and since Apache hangs, the first guess is that there's a problem with the server).

The issue is not with Apache, but with my Wordpress. More specifically with my theme. I'm using a theme called Lightworld and it supports adding an image to the blog header. To allow that, it checks the image size by using PHP's function getimagesize(). Since this function was opening another http connection to the server to get the image, each request from ab was creating another request internally from PHP. As I was using all my server available slots, these PHP requests were put in the queue, but Apache could never get to them because all it's processes were locked with the original request waiting for a slot to complete the PHP internal request.

Basically, PHP was putting my server into a deadlock state, and Apache would only start working normally after these connections timed out waiting for their "child" request.

After I removed this function from my theme, now I can ab my server with as many concurrent connections as I want, and Apache is queueing them as expected.