Apache Reverse Proxy in front of RD Web Access IIS


I have just configured a Microsoft Remote Desktop Services service on an internal Windows Server 2012 R2 server. I have access to RDP through outside the network with port forwarding. However, because I have additional web servers running on port 80/443, I can't expose RD Web Access running on IIS to directly to the internet.

I have a reverse proxy configuration with Apache for all my internal sites, so I'm trying to use the same for RD Web Access. My configuration (for both HTTP & HTTPS) is as follows

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName foo.example.com

    ProxyPass / http://192.168.1.xxx/
    ProxyPassReverse / http://192.168.1.xxx/

This configuration seems to work but has an issue. When connecting directly to foo.example.com, I get the default IIS page, as expected. However, when accessing http://foo.example.com/RDWeb/, the URL gets changed to http://192.168.1.xxx/RDWeb, which I obviously can't access from outside of my network. I need it to stay as http://foo.example.com/RDWeb/.

I have tried adding ProxyPreserveHost On to my apache configuration, when I do that, I get an infinite redirect loop, so that doesn't work either. I'm pretty sure that this is NOT an IIS issue, because if I set my local host file to point foo.example.com to 192.168.1.xxx, it works without issue.

Is there something I'm missing in my Apache Reverse Proxy configurations?

Best Answer

Well, after an epiphany, I found the cause of my issues.

Turns out, I was indeed supposed to keep ProxyPreserveHost On to allow URL rewriting to the correct external URL. However, because my external URL had an SSL certificate, I was getting an infinite redirect loop which went like this

External URL (https) -> Internal (http) -> Internal (https) -> External (https)

I fixed this my turning my ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives to proxy the HTTPS instead of HTTP internal IP. Because of this, I also had to add the SSLProxyEngine On directive.

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