Apache ReverseProxyPass redrects to http rather than https


I have a reverse proxy setup using apache mod_proxy:

<VirtualHost *:443>
   ServerName reverse.server.com  
   ProxyPass /
   ProxyPassReverse /
   ProxyPreserveHost on
   ...snip ssl stuff...

This works fine most of the time. The problem is when the internal server does a redirect. While the proxypassreverse should catch the location, and it seems to, it redirects to http://reverse.server.com rather than to https://reverse.server.com. So it is half working, the address changes correctly, but the protocol stays as the internal server.

I am not clear on why it is doing this, as the proxied connection is SSL – any ideas?

Best Answer

ProxyPassReverse can not fix this kind of redirections. There are 2 ways to solve the problem:

  • Use HTTPS for the internal site. e.g. ProxyPass / https:... and ProxyPassReverse / https: (actually the last one is not required in your case).
  • Use mod_headers in the reverse proxy: Header edit Location ^http: https:
  • Use mod_rewrite in the reverse proxy to change the redirection.