Apache RewriteRule for proxying


I have a web application installed (ClockingIT) that acts based on the used subdomain. As we want to use SSL and do not have a wildcard certificate, this is not very convenient for us 🙂 So I thought about using Apache's mod_proxy and mod_rewrite functionality.

To be more precise, I want the URL Xttps://example.com/cit/ (external) to show the contents of Xttp://test.example.com:3000/ (internal).

Here's my setup:

   <VirtualHost *:443>
     ServerName example.com

     (SSL setup, etc)

     SSLProxyEngine On
     UseCanonicalName Off
     ProxyRequests Off   
     ProxyPreserveHost Off # or On, makes no difference

     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteRule      ^/cit$         Xttp://test.example.com:3000/ [P,NC]
     RewriteRule      ^/cit/(.*)$    Xttp://test.example.com:3000/$1 [P,NC]
     ProxyPassReverse /cit/          Xttp://test.example.com:3000/

test.example.com is not defined on the DNS server, but it is set in /etc/hosts to map to If I do "w3m Xttp://test.example.com:3000/" on the server, I get the correct web page. However, if I access https://example.com/cit/ on my desktop's browser, I do not get the correct web page. The web app receives the request, however it seems to think the request was for the example.com domain and serves a default page instead of the intended subdomain "test" contents. It seems somehow the proxy does not pass on the test.example.com domain, though according to documentation it should. Instead of RewriteRule I also tried ProxyPass directive, but with the same result.

Is there anything I am missing?

(If relevant, ClockingIT is a Ruby on Rails application served via Mongrel)

P.S.: s/Xttp/http/g – ServerFault did not like me using http colon slash slash more than once in my question 😉


After looking at the traffic data using tcpflow, the issue seems to be that Apache sends the following to port 3000:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: test.example.com:3000
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: de-de,de;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-15,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Cookie: _session_id=99f5f70d684c2186e64c5ebb8f69d574
Via: 1.1 example.com
X-Forwarded-Host: example.com
X-Forwarded-Server: example.com

Using "telnet localhost 3000" and pasting the above, I get a redirect. If I repeat this and omit the X-Forwarded-Host: line, I get the intended page. So my setup is actually working, but ClockingIT seems to base its decision on the X-Forwarded-Host value. Any way I can prevent this from being included?

Best Answer

Apache 2.4 and later has a directive to remove the X-Forwarded-* headers.

ProxyAddHeaders off


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