Apache server is spawning more and more processes, maxing out RAM and dying


We have a LAMP setup that had been working pretty well for half a year when the Apache server (MySQL servers are not on this box) just started to die. It seems to have started to spawn more and more processes over time. Eventually it will consume all the memory and the server would just die. We are using prefork.

In the meantime, we just keep adding more RAM and increasing the MaxClients and ServerLimit parameter to 512. But we're just prolonging the crash. The number still goes up slowly. Maybe in a day, it would reach that limit.

What is going on? We only have around 15-20 requests per second. We have 1 GB in memory and it's not half used. There's no swapping going on.

Why is Apache creating more and more processes? It's almost like there's a leak somewhere!

The database boxes are fine, they are not causing a delay to requests. We tested some queries everything is quick!

Best Answer

[For the benefit of others stumbling across this older question ... ]

Quick Answer:

Check your KeepAlive settings in your apache2.conf or httpd.conf file. Set your KeepAliveTimeout between 2-5 seconds.


I've found that by default Apache's KeepAlive is on and the KeepAliveTimeout is set to 15 seconds. That will mean that a single user's page hit will cause the server to wait for that same user to request another page/resource for 15 seconds, before it gives up and handles someone else's request.

This setup is VERY useful when a user requests the initial index.html file, and then will request the linked CSS, javascript, and image files a second or two later. However, modern computers and network/internet connections mean that a browser is typically asking for the linked resources in less than 2 seconds. Apache will serve those subsequent pages and then wait another 15 seconds in case that user wants something else. This is highly inefficient in a high traffic environment.

If you're receiving 15 unique connections per second, and each connection stays alive for 15 seconds... I'm sure you can see how things are going to get bunched up pretty severely pretty quick. You'll have 225 Apache processes spun-up, with 90+% of them completely idle, waiting for another page request on it's open connection.

I've seen a number of suggestions to set your KeepAliveTimeout to somewhere between 2 and 5 seconds. Myself, I've got some servers set as low as 2 and others as high as 5. I don't receive the same system slow downs when I get traffic spikes anymore.

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