Apache tuning recommendations for Windows Server 2008


We have implemented Apache 2.4 64bit on Windows Server 2008 R2 as a reverse proxy to take advantage of a wildcard cert for our domain. We have been disappointed in the performance with even a light load so I have probably misconfigured something. The web sites served by the proxy (Glassfish 3.0.1) become increasingly slow to the point of being unresponsive. Restarting Apache temporarily fixes the problem but it quickly becomes unresponsive. Bypassing the proxy by going to the IP address of the Glassfish server directly we can see that GF isn't the issue. The only thing we are doing is the reverse proxy of the SSL frontend on Apache and passing traffic on the internal network with http to the Glassfish server.

When the websites are unresponsive, a look at the Windows Server processes indicates VERY little activity. CPU might be running at 10% (single CPU). There are less than 30 TCP connections. Memory utilization is less that a GB (it is a 4GB machine). Network traffic barely breaks the 100kbps threshold. All indications are that the server is barely breaking a sweat, yet the site is unresponsive.

I have set the following properties:

SSLSessionCache  "shmcb:C:/Apache_direct/logs/ssl_scache(1024000)"
SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300

ThreadsPerChild 3000
MaxRequestsPerChild 0 
KeepAlive On 
KeepAliveTimeout 15 

ProxyRequests Off
SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck off
ProxyBadHeader Ignore

I have virtual host settings for each http and https port for each server. VHost settings are similar to:

<VirtualHost *:443>
ServerName test.domain.org
ProxyPreserveHost On
SSLEngine on
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /


Have I missed an important setting here or misconfigured a setting? Based on what I have read, Apache should be able to easily handle the traffic we have which is as follows:

800 visits an hour.  13k visits daily.
100 uploads an hour of roughly 60mb MP3 files.
400 downloads an hour of those same MP3 files.
800 downloads of small (100k) pdf files.

Glassfish is serving all the file uploads/downloads and we allow those sessions to persist up to an hour. Since most of the files are unique, we are a little uncertain of what cache settings we should use (if any). Perhaps I should omit the SSL cache settings?

There are many, many hits on Apache performance tuning on the web but few that deal specifically with reverse proxy, SSL and give recommendations based on type/amount of traffic. Some suggestions would be very helpful.

Best Answer

I am going to reply to my own query so that if someone comes across this they will at least see some kind of answers….

I never got confirmation that this particular configuration was correct, incorrect or could be improved. I do know that we decided to go with it one more time with the following modifications (pure guesswork on my part):

Threadlimit 3000
ThreadsPerChild 3000
MaxRequestsPerChild 0 
KeepAlive On 
KeepAliveTimeout 15 

AcceptFilter https none
AcceptFilter http none
EnableSendfile Off
EnableMMAP off

ProxyRequests Off
SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck off
ProxyBadHeader Ignore
HostnameLookups off
ExtendedStatus off

We experienced no performance problems with this config so we are running in production with it. The main question, which was how to have good performance in a reverse proxy environment has been answered by trial and error.