Apache2 500 error trouble shooting


I recently updated some code on a staging server and now one link in the app throws an Internal Server Error…

There have been no changes to the .htaccess in doc root, but to remove this from the equation, I removed the .htaccess to test and no go.

Apache2 logLevel has been changed to debug and nothing is being logged. (watching tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log and loading the page does not append anything to the log).

This code is running perfectly well on our development server. I know thats not much to go by.

Without the logs, I am stumped. Ths is a fairly complex app and without logs I simply cannot work out what the issue is.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Ok guys, looks like it was just IE throwing the 500. Loading the page in Firefox shows a nice PHP parse error (the app is only supported in ie, so I had to switch my user agents to test).

For the record, I went through all my vhosts so make sure the logs were all correct, which they were, I'm still not sure why I was getting nothing logged.

Thanks for the help!