Apache2 Debian Squeeze .htaccess Disabled


I'm trying to add a .htaccess file to a directory, everything works, the path to .htpasswd is working fine.

My contents are:

AuthUserFile /root/passwords/apache2/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "VNstats"
AuthType Basic

<Limit GET POST>
require valid-user

The directory /root/passwords/apache2 is chowned to www-data.

However it still refuses to show an authentication box.

I started troubleshooting, and found some tutorials to edit httpd.conf or apache2.conf and add AllowOverride All. But everytime I do that, I get an error when reloading Apache2 that AllowOverride All is not allowed there.

It is a clean apache2 install, do I need to enable some mods? Where can I add AllowOverride All? What am I overlooking?

EDIT: I added this to httpd.conf:

<Directory /var/www/>
AllowOverride All

Best Answer

just curious "The directory /root/passwords/apache2 is chowned to www-data." <= okay, but what is /root permissions ? 700 ?