Apache2 NTLM Authentication on specific URL


I have a problem.
I'm using Legrandin's NTLM Authentication Module PyAuthenNTLM2 with my Apache2 server.
It really works well and it was easy to install. I recommend it to everybody.

The authentication works perfectly fine. But I have a problem once POST-Requests are sent.
Everytime a POST is sent to the server, IE's annoying credentials prompt keeps appearing.
Even though I checked "Remember my Credentials". This is how I have it configured right now:

<Directory /var/www/>
            AuthType NTLM
            AuthName DOMAIN
            require valid-user

            PythonAuthenHandler pyntlm
            PythonOption Domain DOMAIN
            PythonOption PDC
            PythonOption BDC

            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride All
            Order allow,deny
            allow from all

My question to you guys:

Is it possible to do the authentication only on one single URL?

For example: If a user access my page for the first time, the URL will be: http://domain.com/custom/login. This URL doesn't represent the directory though. It's just a controller of the Zend Framework.

Is this possible?

Best Answer

What you're looking to do is use the <Location> container, which maps URLs to options, like:

<Location /custom/login>
    ... options ...