Specify URL Wildcard in Apache2 Proxy Directive


I have the following Apache2 proxy directives in my VirtualHost. Which I want to only match when the admin pages are requested so that one time passwords are prompted for. All other proxy requests should be handled by the ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse without interference.

ProxyPass / http://localhost:32768/ nocanon
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:32768/

<Proxy http://server/admin >
    AuthType basic
    AuthName "Enter your authenticator code as the password"
    AuthBasicProvider OTP
    Require valid-user
    OTPAuthUsersFile /etc/apache2/otp/otp.users

But, I can only get <Proxy * > to work, which intercepts all requests. Where am I going wrong?

Best Answer

I bit of googlefu led me to this book.

I configured the route as follows:

<ProxyMatch /admin/ >

Works just how I want now.

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