Apache2 – SSL pages load in Chrome but not Safari


I'm having this unusual SSL issue with Safari. Basically I have a Debian server running Apache 2 (2.4.10) with OpenSSL 1.0.1t on a private network.

I've set up an SSL virtual host in the normal way and I'm using a web server certificate signed with an intermediate which in turn is signed by a private root certificate installed on all machines using an Apple configuration profile and I've verified the root is installed on the keychain.

In Chrome – this setup works fine. The page loads and the SSL certificate chain is good and Chrome reports no errors and the green padlock.

In Safari (10) – but it happened with v9 as well – and on iOS 10 – all I'm getting is "Safari can't open the page xxx because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server xxx".

Oddly enough if I restart the Apache server it works in Safari for a couple of seconds – enough to get one page load in – before it fails again.

In cURL on the desktop – Unknown SSL protocol error.

In openssl (s_client -connect) – connected OK with Protocol: TLSv1, Cipher: EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA.

In nscurl -ats-diagnostics – FAIL on every attempt.

I thought this must be an issue with the Apache configuration so I've stripped out as much as I can that I think might be causing the issue and now in my ssl.conf I have set SSLProtocol to ALL -SSLv3 and SSLCipherSuite to MEDIUM:!aNull and in the .conf file for the vhost I have got SSLEngine on and the only other SSL configuration in there are for the certificate file, intermediate and key.

But still the site stubbornly refuses to open in Safari. What makes it very odd is that Chrome works OK! Any public SSL sites I try to go to in Safari work fine.

Any advice appreciated!

Best Answer

Looking your trace, I think I got it. Seems like the Apache virtualhost replying on IPv6 in port 443 is configured to "speak" HTTP, not HTTPS.

I verified this trying to connect to: https://google.com:80/ (or any other site) while sniffing, and the reply i get is exactly 400 like in your case.

So, check your Apache VirtualHost configuration, or just disable IPv6 in your server if you are not planning to use it.