Are independent persistent disks faster than dependent ones in vmware server 1

hard driveperformancevmware-server

Please can you help me compare disk types for vmware server?

I know "independent nonpersistent" is slower. But what about "independent persistent" versus "dependent" (or how do you call this one?)

What about raw disks (direct access to physical disks)?
And I found I cannot change the type from independent to dependent later?
Is it possible to create a dependent raw disk when starting a new vm?

Best Answer

Hands down, "Raw Disks" is direct access to the physical disk and by far the fastest access and disk I/O. The downside is you cannot move the VM to another machine without imaging the raw disk.

----> I assume by raw disks you are talking about RDM but you should check Most of the time, RDM are not performing better than VMDK files.