Are Synology NAS drives good for remote backup


I am looking for an affordable remote backup solution for my small business network. I've tried the Seagate Blackarmor 220 in the past and I HATE IT! Essentially the only option it provides me for remote backup is standard FTP (not even SFTP) and even that is spotty and unreliable.

I've been looking into the Synology line of NAS drives, specifically the DS211. What I really like is that it runs rsync, so I would be able to do really good incremental backups using DeltaCopy for Windows and could do my backups over a secure connection. Does anyone have any experience using Synology NAS drives for this purpose?

Also, I plan on this remote drive just living at my house on my home network. It would be behind a home Linksys router, using a 5Mbps / 384kbps broadband connection. Would this setup be sufficient if the incremental backups are relatively small? On average, I estimate the increments would likely be around 50MB. Even in extreme cases, I would expect that the backups would remain under 200MB. My ISP offers a 30Mbps / 2Mbs connection for an additional $20 / month. Based on my needs, and small budget, would this added cost be necessary or would the upgraded connection be a little overkill?

Best Answer

Id suggest Amazon S3 if the incremental backups are small. There are tutorials for creating backups in this fashion.

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