Are the number of concurrent tcp-connections a limiting factor for load balancers

connectionload balancing

I am trying to understand if the number of concurrent tcp-connections on a load balancer is a limiting factor for a "normal" web site, rather than the data throughput.

When I look at data sheets for load balancers I do not find information on how many connections they can handle. Does that mean the number of connections is not a limiting factor, or does it mean it is too hard to tell because other factors, in combination with the number of connections, are more important?

In the end I am trying to figure out when our load balancer will crack due to too many web site visitors. It is a virtual lb, a Barracuda BBF 340 Vx, with 2 GB Ram and 2 CPUs.

Best Answer

Usually not. For most web sites, the normal "stateless" behavior of http connections means that connections can be torn down very quickly. Apache for example the default timeout is 15 second, IIS two minutes (although that could be lowered).

A worse case scenario is you have session affinity enabled, and a long connection timeout (15 minutes, 30 minutes, etc or higher), and a lot of unique visitors. In that scenario, the max connections could be orders of magnitude lower. That design with a high connection load would be rare.

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