Are there different kinds of Mini SAS to 4x SATA reverse breakout cables


I have an RPC-4224 case that has 24 bays with 6 Mini SAS ports. I needed a cable to break out one of them into 4 SATA ports, so I went down to my local Fry's Electronics and bought one. The cable came with a "sideband" cable that says optional on it.

I installed it in the box and my hard drives aren't showing up in the EFI/BIOS setup. I see other cables online, specifically one from Norco (the case manufacturer) that doesn't have that "sideband" cable.

My question is, are there different types of Mini SAS to 4x SATA cables? And if so, how do I tell the difference?

Best Answer

There are multiple types of SAS connectors. Generally mini-SAS will be SFF-8086 or SFF-8087; according the the product page your case uses 8087.

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