Are there DNS servers supporting ALIAS type for apex records


DNSimple and AWS Route53 are supporting ALIAS records that allow similar functionality to CNAMES for @ (Apex) records in DNS.

I'm running a DNS server (Bind) that is currently hosting around 1500 zones. Most of the zones have @ record configured to the same IP-address. In order to achieve the same flexibility provided by CNAME records i want to do the same with @ records and provide this to my customers.

It seems that DNSimple has built a custom solution for this. My question is that is there any DNS server software that support this? Would it be an option to write extension or plugin for Bind that allows this?

Best Answer

If you want to run you own DNS Server, you can have a look at PowerDNS on Git.

You need to build it yourself but in the "alias" Branch is their current implementation of ALIASRR and it works fine.