Are Windows 2003 Scheduled Task .job files compatible with Windows 2008


I have a large number of scheduled tasks we've like to move off a Windows 2003 server to a new Windows 2008 server.

I have a couple of questions

  1. Can I just copy the .job files to the new server and reset the passwords?

  2. If this is not possible, is there a way to turn each .job file into a user readable format, or even better, reverse engineer to a command line statement or script?

Best Answer

Can I just copy the .job files to the new server and reset the passwords?

No. Basically, the job files under Windows 2003 and Windows 2008 are of different format (binary vs. XML-based)

If this is not possible, is there a way to turn each .job file into a user readable format, or even better, reverse engineer to a command line statement or script?

I know someone wrote a perl script to parse the binary data of Task Scheduler 1.0 job files into human-readable. Take a look here.

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