Networking – ARP Keeps Getting Old/Wrong MAC Address for Gateway


We have implemented a new firewall.

My clients (Windows 10/11) and servers (Windows Server 2012R2) are randomly disconnecting from internet.

If I do an arp -d, then my gateway ( MAC is ac-xx-xx-xx-xx-81 and I can't access the internet – I get a Reply from Destination net unreachable..

After like 10 seconds I get internet back and everyting works perfectly. If I do a "arp -a" and now my MAC address is 6a-xx-xx-xx-xx-de.

If I eg. tries to open a TeamViewer connection to a client, then MAC jumps back to ac-xx-xx-xx-xx-81 again and I loose internet connection for like 10 seconds.

Even though I have cleared the ARP, I keep randomly getting wrong MAC address for my gateway.

Any idea how I can erase the wrong MAC ac-xx-xx-xx-xx-81 from the entire domain?

Best Answer

Make sure you don't have another device active that has the IP of your gateway.