Assign Elastic IP to RDS instance


Is it possible to assign a fixed Elastic IP to an AWS RDS database instance? If I create a new database instance, the instance gets a random endpoint like I would like to map this to a static (and public) IP.

Or is there any alternative? Or workaround?

Best Answer

Well, it basically cannot be done. Question is, why would you want to do that? You have it always on the same hostname, so it is always accessible under the same endpoint all the time from the Internet. The only workaround, which we once used, when we wanted to grant external developer access to RDS instance, was making stunnel on development EC2 instance with Elastic IP. This way, the mysql connection endpoint was all the time the same IP, connection to RDS was managed on the EC2 side and every connection was SSL secured. But in most cases, this doesn't solve anything.