Asterisk Connection not working


I have installed Asterisk on VirtualBox by following the steps from here. Everything went ok until I got to navigate to an IP to configure Asterisk using FreePBX: (Shouldn't be something like 192.168.x.y?? ). However, when I navigated to that url from outside of VirtualBox, that url pointed to nothing.
Also I am logged in as root@localhost. Should I be logged in as root@server?
I have also validated the installation as described here and everything went well.

I am a complete beginner at Asterisk.

Best Answer

1) VirtualBox isn't really suitable for anything production-grade. Use VMware or KVM instead.

2) Your problem is probably because your Virtual Machine is using the NAT network adapter type, and you should set it to Bridged, and reboot your virtual machine. Then the VM will get an IP address on the rest of the network, in your case, 192.168.x.x.

You could also forward the ports required for Asterisk to work, through Virtualbox so that you can use the 10.x.y.z address, but this will only be available from your workstation, and isn't ideal.

Use bridged mode. Always.