Passwd File – Understanding “+::::::” at the End of /etc/passwd


In some of my servers there is this strange line at the end of /etc/passwd/ consisting of just:


Does anyone knows what it means?

I searched the net but only found the same, unanswered question by one Jim from 2012:

Anyone know what this means in Linux SLES 11 and can it be removed


Servers in question run SLES 12, the other Ubuntu bionic.

Best Answer

I'm reposting the below from the following Unix stackexchange answer:

The answer lies in the nsswitch.conf(5) man page:

Interaction with +/- syntax (compat mode)

Linux libc5 without NYS does not have the name service switch but does allow the user some policy control. In /etc/passwd you could have entries of the form +user or +@netgroup (include the specified user from the NIS passwd map), -user or -@netgroup (exclude the specified user), and + (include every user, except the excluded ones, from the NIS passwd map).

You can override certain passwd fields for a particular user from the NIS passwd map by using the extended form of +user:::::: in /etc/passwd. Non-empty fields override information in the NIS passwd map.

Since most people only put a + at the end of /etc/passwd to include everything from NIS, the switch provides a faster alternative for this case (passwd: files nis) which doesn’t require the single + entry in /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and /etc/shadow. If this is not sufficient, the NSS compat service provides full +/- semantics. By default, the source is nis, but this may be overridden by specifying nisplus as source for the pseudo-databases passwd_compat, group_compat and shadow_compat. These pseudo-databases are only available in GNU C Library.

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