Authenticated User Impersonation in Classic ASP under IIS7


I've recently moved one of our servers from Server 2003 and IIS6 to Server 2008 R2 and IIS7 (technically IIS7.5 I suppose). In doing so I am transitioning a small account management tool written in classic ASP and have run into a problem with user impersonation. Extensive searching hasn't been much help so far.

Under IIS6, the site was configured to impersonate the logged-in user. Thus, if a domain admin logged in, he was able to run commands to create user directories, adjust permissions, etc. Using Procmon you can see the processes executing as that user. This worked fine.

However, with the same code under IIS7, I am unable to get this behavior. I have enabled Basic Authentication, disabled Anonymous Auth, enabled impersonation and have changed the app pool to classic instead of integrated pipelining. Everything seems to be configured correctly, however, all the processes launched by the classic ASP site continue to run as the default AppPool identity and not the logged-in user.

If it matters, programs are being launched with code such as:

set Wsh = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Wsh.Run("cmd.exe /C mkdir D:\users\foo")

Monitoring via Procmon shows cmd.exe being run as either "Classic .NET AppPool" or "DefaultAppPool" depending on the pipeline mode.

Any suggestions on how to get the classic ASP site to impersonate and execute as the authenticated user would be great. Thanks!

Best Answer

There's a little-known setting called LogonMethod, which varies the capabilities of a user account which logs on with an anonymous or plain-text logon.

I (think I) remember this changing for IIS 5 or 6, so it's possible it's changed again for 7. The effect would be exactly what you describe - a failure to do things an interactive user would have no trouble doing.

It's a bad idea to change it wholesale to achieve delegation - after all, that's what Kerberos constrained delegation and protocol transition are for - but it might help resolve this issue.

LogonMethod - IIS 6 and earlier property -

LogonType - a similar-looking property for an App Pool that accepts fewer options (but Service might work for you) -

Oh, and it's possible (though how-you-say bloody?) unlikely that your WScript object is running in a COM container with a different identity to the worker process.