Auto-reply mail only to senders outside of the company


Using Exchange 2003 / Outlook 2007 here.

If someone sends an e-mail to our address, for example then it should send back an auto-reply mail saying "Thanks for you message etc…"

I can figure out how to set a rule in Outlook so that this auto-reply mail is fired back at everyone. But how to set it up so that only people outside the company would get it?

So basically I guess I need to create a rule where "Sender is not in the Global Address Book". Is it possible?


Best Answer

Following these may help you to set it up

  1. On the tools menu of Outlook, click on "Out of Office Assistant".
  2. Click "Send Out of Officew auto-replies"
  3. Dont check on "Only send during this time range", this will allow to send auto-replies until you click "Do not send Out of Office auto-replies".
  4. On the Outside My Organization tab, select the "Auto-reply to people outside my organization" check box, and then type the auto reply message.
  5. On the "Outside My Organization tab", click "My Contacts only" or "Anyone outside my organization". It is recommended to select "My Contacts only" to prevent your auto-reply from going to spammers.
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