Automate mounting a persistant CIFS drive natively on Windows.


Trying to create a script to automate mounting CIFS shares as drives on windows 2008/2012 server. The share requires a login (Unfortunately, AD can not be used) and needs to be mounted as a persistent drive that survives reboots.

Windows allows below

net use x: \\\demo_nas_share /USER:username password /PERSISTENT:YES

However above won't save credential for next boot. We need to use

net use x: \\\demo_nas_share /SAVECRED /PERSISTENT:YES

But this cmd only accepts the login details via a prompt and difficult to call from the script. Not sure if default windows server install has a native tool like 'Expect' to automate this. I like to avoid installing a third party utility.

NOTE: You can not combine /USER and /SAVECRED. This apparently was supported in some older version of windows though.

The other commonly suggested solutions is to put the cmd into startup folder. But I don't want to expose the password in plain text.

Can anyone recommend a native solution ?

Best Answer

Just a thought but you could just dump your command into a batch file and set it as a logon script in the local gpo.

@echo off

If exist x: goto Remove

goto Map


net use x: /DELETE


net use x: \\demo_nas_share /USER:username password


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