Automated reports with FreePBX


FreePBX has a 'Reports' tab that allows you to create a few reports and some of them you can export as a .csv or .pdf, but it doesn't really have any finer features than that. I would ultimately like to be able to have a report automatically e-mailed at the end of each day with call statistics, but I'm not seeing any way to do that. The oldest article I could find with google-fu on the subject was done back in 2008 with a much older version, so I'm just wondering if there is an easy-ish (we all dream, right?) to do automatic reporting with FreePBX.

Edit: I noticed there is a module ( that can be used. Albeit, there is not a lot of good information on this module that I've found thus far.

Best Answer

Shameless plug :) but you could try my product SAMReports, it works with FreePBX, as well as with other Asterisk editions .

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