Automatically Login & Startup A Windows Program On Amazon’s EC2 Service

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How can I automatically start a program on Amazon's EC2 Windows 2008 web servers?

For example, if I wanted to test the "Digg effect" on a web page of mine, how could I open 100 windows 2008 servers at once, each loading one (or two?) instances of the firefox web browser?

I have placed a sample batch file in the windows startup folder that echos the time it was called, but it is only started when I actually login remotely via the remote desktop protocol.

I don't want to have to login to 100 servers to get my software to run 😛 What can I do?

I am using this Windows 2008 Datacenter, Amazon-supplied AMI specifically: ami-a2698bcb

Best Answer

How can I automatically start a program on Amazon's EC2 Windows 2008 web servers?

Just run it as a service. Follow this tutorial:


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