AWS ECR – Push Successful, Image Does Not Appear in Repo


We're using AWS ECR to host our docker images. We've noticed in a few rare instances that the docker push command can complete successfully, but the resulting image does not appear in the ECR container repository.

Any others experiencing this issue? Our ECR is in us-east-1

Output from our docker push script:

WARNING: login credentials saved in /home/ubuntu/.docker/config.json
Login Succeeded
The push refers to a repository [<our-id><our-repo>] (len: 2)
develop: digest: sha256:<redacted-sha> size: 36365
develop.<redacted-tag>: digest: sha256:<redacted-sha> size: 36370

Best Answer

We have noticed that the AWS ECR Repositories Console does not list recently pushed/tagged images in real time. Link: (specify your region if necessary).

If you execute the following AWS CLI command, you will see all repos pushed. Even those that do not yet appear in the AWS ECR console.

 aws ecr list-images --repository-name=REPOSITORYNAME --region=REGION