AWS SNS:How to send notifications to multiple arns use same SNS topic


As my question says ,i would like to send notifications to multiple ARN"s using a
single SNS topic..please let know if it is possible
i tried in amazon console able to select only one ARN at a time for a topic in the dropdownlist of ARN"s

i tried configuring in cloud formation template as well.please help!!

Best Answer

It is not possible to send a single message to multiple SNS topics at the same time.

A single SNS message can only be sent to one SNS topic.

However, you could setup a third SNS topic which is designed for messages that go to multiple topics.

For example, TopicC could be designed to forward to TopicA and TopicB. Doing this, you would subscribe a Lambda function to TopicC, and in that Lambda function, forward the message to TopicA and TopicB.

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