AWS SQS + SNS + Lambda


I was wondering if I can send a message to SQS queue and subscribe an SNS topic to it to trigger a lambda for sending an email.

SQS -> SNS -> (Lambda) -> SES

I know SNS messages can be sent to SQS but I'm curious if the other way around is possible

Best Answer

One thing I did was to create a CloudWatch alarm on ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible (>= 1 for 5 minutes) for the SQS queue. The alarm publishes to an SNS topic that triggers the lambda function. The lambda function loops until it clears the queue.

It can take up to 5 minutes to trigger from the alarm, but it works fantastically for batch-scheduled tasks without needing to poll the queue. (Alarm granularity is 5 minutes for active queues.)

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