AWS – Status check fails when loading AMI created from snapshot

amazon ec2amazon s3amazon-web-services

I have a running micro instance using an 8GB EBS that I've customized.

To my understand there are two ways I can create an AMI from this.

1) EC2 console -> INSTANCES – Instances -> Right Click instance -> Create Image (EBS AMI)

2) EC2 console -> ELASTIC BLOCK STORE – Volumes -> Right Click Volume -> Create Snapshot, then go to snapshots and Right "Create Image From Snapshot"

When I right click and Select "Launch Instance" from my list of private AMIs, I'm able to successfully launch an instance from the AMI generated from the first method. However whenever I try to launch an instance from the AMI generated by the 2nd method, the Status Checks show either 1/2 checks passed or 0/2 checks passed.

Why am I unable to launch an instance from an AMI generated from the snapshot?

Best Answer

When you create an image from a snapshot, make sure you use the same architecture you used for the original instance/AMI. The default value in this wizard is i386, but in many cases you may want x86_64, which is the standard Amazon EC2 Linux architecture. This, together with selecting the exact AKI kernel - worked for me.