Amazon VPC – AWS VPC Internet Gateway and AWS Services


Am I doing something wrong or is the AWS VPC ec2 instances not able to reach any of the AWS managed services (s3/sns/sqs) without a public route to the Internet Gateway in the routetable?

I was told here Aws vpc default route table in CloudFormation that AWS VPC default routetable has no public route by default so it can "protect" the VPC.

But if I can't access AWS services without a public route… That just defeats the purpose as I would be practically adding public route to all the routetables?

Best Answer

Am I doing something wrong or is the AWS VPC ec2 instances not able to reach any of the AWS managed services (s3/sns/sqs) without a public route to the Internet Gateway in the routetable?

That's correct. If you need to use those services, your instances will need EIPs or public IPs or you'll need a NAT host in your VPC. A VPC is truly private, and it operates in the same manner a well-maintained corporate network does: only allowing traffic that you explicitly allow.

It's worth noting: managed services like RDS, Elasticache, Redshift, etc, can indeed run within your VPC.