AWS – Fix ACM Issued Certificate Not Appearing in Load Balancer


I'm trying to create a Application Load Balancer for a LAMP stack ec2 server. Both the ec2 server and certificate is deployed in US East(Ohio) us-east-2 and I'm trying create the load balancer there also.

But when I'm setting up the load balancer, and get to the step where I select a ACM managed cert, the dropdown says "No existing certificates".

The certificate is Issued and not In Use. I created it some time ago (actually, about 2 years ago). I also tried creating a Classic Load Balancer and the certificate was not available there also.

Best Answer

Based on the the comments above it looks like the certificate has expired. If you want the certificate to renew there are two options:

  • DNS CNAME validation (preferred). Create a CNAME for the domain, as instructed by ACM. Leave it there. The certificate will renew automatically.
  • Email validation. Every time a renewal is due an email is sent to a variety of emails at the domain of the certificate, for example [email protected] and some others. Validate the cert by receiving the email and clicking on the link.

For reference, the other things to check are IAM permissions, Service Control Policies, and region.