AWStats LogFormat for AWS Elastic Load Balancer


Hoping someone can point out what is wrong with the LogFormat I'm attempting to use with the access logs generated by Amazon ELB.

Multi-line for ServerFault readability:

%time5 %elb %host %host_port %host_r %host_r_port %request_processing_time 
%backend_processing_time %response_processing_time %code 
%backend_status_code %received_bytes %bytesd %methodurl

Example log entry (after cleanup):

2014-08-28T17:59:14 awseb-e-2-AWSEBLoa-AAAAAAAA 44153 80 0.000046 0.536613 0.000045 200 200 0 13129 "GET /path/to/web/app HTTP/1.1"

Logs are cleaned up before getting sent to AWStats. I use the following replacements:

cat ${s3_logs_dir}/* \
| sed -e "s/\(\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\):\([0-9]\{2,5\}\)/\1 \2/g" \
| sed -e "s/\(:[0-9]\{2\}\)\(\.[0-9]\{6\}Z\)/\1/g" \
| sed -e "s/http:\/\/www\.example\.com:80//g" \
> ${combined_log} 2>>${log_file}

First I detach host from port, secondly I remove microseconds from the %time5 ISO date, and finally I tried removing the absolute URL from the request.

Best Answer

Turns out it appears to be a bug with %time5 LogFormat option in AWStats.

I converted YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS to YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and used %time2, and the logs were parsed successfully.