AWStats on Plesk consumes all of CPU and crashes server – how do you disable plesk


I have Plesk 9.0.1 running on a Red Hat server. Every week or so at about 4:10 AM the server locks up. At this time the server CPU usage shoots from 4% to 90% at the same time as a mass of processes start (I can't see how many as my datat only shows the top 30 processes, but all of these are

I turned off awstats through the Plesk control panel for all but 5 domains but I still get 90% CPU usage and at least 30 instances of happening at 4:10am as usual.

Does anyone know why this may be? Does anyone know how to disable awstats (I have stats covered using piwik)? Or how do I uninstall awstats without snarling up Plesk?

Best Answer

Check the file:

  • /etc/cron.d/awstats

You need to comment the first line.

Best regards.

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